Are tapwaters contaminated by herbicides glyphosate? From where do these unfounded stories come from?

What is a “glyphosate” herbicide?

Glyphosate, also referred to as “glyphosate Isopropylamine Salt”, is an herbicide that is widely used in the fields of agriculture and in garden all over the world. グリホサート It is absorbed by the stems and leaves, and then migrates to the roots and causes the whole plant to die. Because it’s classified as a “non-selective” herbicide the plants will die when the agent is applied to the leaf surface. Because the patent on the ingredient has expired numerous pesticide companies sell herbicides made of glyphosate. All herbicides containing glyphosate currently being sold are safe and have been subjected to thorough inspection.

Glyphosate which has a low toxicity to livestock because of a mechanism that inhibits enzymes in plants (not found in animals) is one of its characteristics. The chemical solution that is sprayed becomes food for microorganisms when it is in contact with the soil. It then is separated into water and carbon dioxide. グリホサート This makes it unique as it is free of herbicide substances. グリホサート It is recognized globally as a pesticide that contributes to the reduction in greenhouse gases.

Glyphosate found in tap water

Tap water is safe to drink.

グリホサート Do you know if glyphosate is in tap water?

In April of 2020, Weekly Shincho said, “In Japan, there is no any standard value for glyphosate that remains in tap water, only the amount that the government has set as.” The value is also higher than other pesticides in other countries or drinking water that has been affected by pesticides. I posted an article saying that there was. There were concerns over the possibility that tap water might have high levels of dissolved lead. But, this information is not true.

The primary reason why glyphosate does not have the designation of a “standard value” but only an “target value” is because if the draft water quality standard value (concentration that is safe even if you drink 2 L of tap water each day for a lifetime) is glyphosate and 10 minutes of 2 ppm. This is because the concentration that is greater than 0.2ppm (which is one), has never been detected in tap water. According to a Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare study, Japan has not seen any instances of glyphosate present in tap water that has concentrations of more than 0.02ppm. The truth is that there is no danger of being found.

Additionally that the glyphosate sprayed decays in the soil in a manner that can be halved in two days. The glyphosate will then be released into the water supply and tap water at the same rate and won’t be polluted.

Japanese tap water is secure

Tap water from Japan is considered to be safe. Tap water can be drank as it is. There are 51 elements that are subject to strict examination and are provided as per the law. Water is classified as “acidic”, neutral, or alkaline depending on its pH. However the tap water that is used in Japan must have a pH that is close to neutral (between 5.8 and 8.6). Iron rust is still possible when the water supply pipes are damaged.

How is tapwater made? Tap water is primarily made from surface water like dam lakes and river waters for raw water. After eliminating impurities via precipitation and filtration and sterilization, the water is cleaned by water purification facilities. The water that is created is delivered to the homes of each home through water pipes.

The story of Japanese pesticide residue standards value

Japan’s glyphosate standard for wheat is currently 5ppm. グリホサート But it was at 5ppm prior to December 2017. In relation to this, there are opinions like “We loosened it to 30ppm by 6 times, and we rebuked health damage.”

Glyphosate is a component of tapwater.

The residual value for glyphosate is exactly the same as the international one.

In reality that we didn’t change the standard. We adjusted it to the international residual standard value. Japan imports wheat in huge quantities, mostly from South America, Canada, the United States and South America. The importer, also known as the overseas producer, naturally controls the usage of glyphosate at the international standard of 30ppm. But Japan’s standard amount of glyphosate is 5ppm. If it is higher than the limit then all imports will be prohibited. This could lead to an increase in the amount of wheat available and could also threaten Japanese food. Therefore, we have revised the standard value so that it is in line to the international standard. Also, safety is not an issue with current standards.

Do we have a clear understanding of glyphosate

To ensure that consumers are not affected emotionally by discussions about pesticide residues, it is essential to have the correct knowledge. Experts have conducted scientific research. Also, you should be able to enjoy food without being distracted or distracted by rumors.