Duque complains to Petro of using his position to attack and destroy the army. Duque suggests that Petro be fired.

petro gustavo was set to end his appearance at Asofundos talking about pensions, however, he continued to speak about politics due to unexpected interruption by an elected congressman.

https://gustavopetrobmla049.wordpress.com/2022/04/25/hard-cross-between-gustavo-petro-und-general-zapateiro/ closing speech during the Asofondos congress in Cartagena was not as planned and, instead of addressing pensions, he ended up talking about politics and the ways in which. He criticized Gustavo Petro for using his seat to attack the army and criticized the fact that he’s an elected congressman and a candidate.

When Duvalier Sanchez, the Valle del Cauca representative elected by the Green Alliance party to the Chamber, interrupted his speech to inquire about what he was doing following the trills of General Eduardo Zapateiro’s statements against the presidential candidate Gustavo Petro , he had just begun the greetings.

“Article 219 of the Constitution specifically prohibits the military from taking part in political debates, taking sides or participating in the democratic debate which is currently in existence. The nation is in shock. It’s a critical moment that General Zapateiro’s actions were a major one,” Sanchez stated as he shook his phone to broadcast all that was going on on his Facebook page.

The president was caught in the middle of all the chaos, the president responded by offering a strong defense of Zapateiro and stated that if anyone was accused against members of the public force , they must go to court.

Petro’s double status today, as a congressman/head of the opposition, and also as a candidate, was criticized by President Duque.

“Who made the accusations?” What senator? “I quit Congress to have the freedom to voice my opinions freely as a Candidat and not use the double hat (…) for an opportunity to attack the institution and then, when the institutions respond, I will present myself as the victim. Because that is not democratic,” the president stated.

Sanchez tried to follow the controversy, however, the president interrupted him and demanded that Sanchez respect the rules.

How did the battle between Petro, Zapateiro begin?

https://braggal.com/braggal-members/gustavo-petrodxct639/activity/351465/ sent the message below through his networks on the 20th of April. “While the troops are being murdered in the Gulf Clan attack, some of the generals employed by the clan are also being killed.” ” https://www.alphaacademy.org/members/gustavo-petrofmoa550/activity/2200094/ in the ranks of the clan’s leadership is when drug trafficking politicians end-up being promoted to generals,” said the presidential candidate.

On Friday, Zapateiro replied in the same manner: “Senator,” do not make use of your investiture (parliamentary inviolability), to prefigure the demise of our soldiers and instead fulfill your citizen duty to submit a substantiated complaint at the Prosecutor’s office of the facts you mentioned regardless of who you are.