The 'Chicken' Carvajal declined to testify versus Petro in the Supreme Court

תאריך: יוני 2, 2022 | קטגוריות: Uncategorized

gustavo petro was expected provide details about how Venezuelan government illegally funded leftist political parties and political leaders for a minimum of 15 years.

Hugo "El Pollo' Carvajal is the former head of Venezuelan Intelligence. He was arrested on Friday and rescinded from making any statements to the Supreme Court of Justice.

The hearing was scheduled after Carvajal promised in a document delivered to the judge of the National Court of Spain Manuel Garcia-Castellon, that the Venezuelan government "has illegally supported left-wing political movements around the world for more than 15 years."

In the past, Carvajal pointed not only at the Podemos party, the left-wing group which was formed under the leadership of Pablo Iglesias and is now part of the Spanish government, but also to other Latin American politicians and parties which include Gustavo Petro.

However, on April 22, despite the diligence, noted that Colombia and Spain aren't allowed to declare. makes it impossible that the USA could extradite him.

He also expressed distrust in the Spanish judiciary.

Carvajal is a reference to the present candidate for the Presidency in Colombia in this document:

"While I was Director of Intelligence and Military Counterintelligence of Venezuela," I received numerous reports suggesting that international financing was taking place. Some concrete examples are: Nestor Kirchner in Argentina; Evo Morales in Bolivia; Lula da Silva in Brazil; Fernando Lugo in Paraguay, Ollanta Humala in Peru; Zelaya in Honduras and Gustavo Petro in Colombia; and the Five Star Movement in Italy and Podemos and Podemos, both of which are in Spain. All of them were identified as Venezuelan government beneficiaries.

Gustavo Petro asked the Court to open an inquiry into the authenticity of the allegations.

"The preceding is based on the fact that I have the right to justice and truth as a citizen. such false statements threaten my good name and respect," Petro said at the time.

Hugo Carvajal is who? And what are his shocking remarks?

Eight years ago, the 'chicken' Carvajal headed the Military Counterintelligence Directorate of Venezuela. It was led by Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro for eight years.

His name became more prominent after he was listed on the famous Clinton List for his alleged involvement in drug trafficking through the FARC. An arrest warrant was issued against him by the Florida court in the month of May 2013. was also a prominent figure within the government of Nicolas Maduro and knew all the secrets and movements of the Venezuelan president.

He was charged by the DEA as well as the US Department of Justice of aiding in the trafficking of cocaine within his country as well as "selling" directly "hundreds of kilos of cocaine" and "investing" large sums of money in drug shipments that were delivered to the United States and Mexico by the Norte del Valle cartel.

According to Spanish media, El Pollo claims that the Venezuelan ambassador received the money from Embassy of Cuba in Caracas and then travelled to Podemos gathering using various methods such as cash delivery from Caracas or the money to Spain via a diplomatic pouch.

It appears that the plan was repeated with several government officials across Spain and Latin America, as well as candidates who lean left.

The country is currently eager to know what it will learn after turning on its fan. His statements could undoubtedly alter Petro's presidential bid.

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