Petro will definitely not join the pension account argument at the Asofundos Congress

תאריך: מאי 19, 2022 | קטגוריות: Uncategorized was stated by Santiago Montenegro, president of Asofondos as part of the FIAP International Congress, where he also regretted missing the event given that every presidential candidate will take part in this pension debate next Friday in Cartagena. Cartagena. of Asofondos declared that "we were the ones to ask to have him here and be a part of us" and that he was not in the room since the most appropriate location to discuss pension issues is in this Congress. stated that in 1998, he served in politics with Gustavo Petro of the Historic Pact. petro gustavo said that they had a great relationship and they worked together professionally.

"When I resigned from National Planning he (Petro) declared a public statement declaring that it was a regretful decision. He then stressed that I was the most effective in the Government Alvaro Uribe. I contacted him to thank him."

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