The mayor of Frontino condemned General Zapateiro for becoming embroiled in unresolved conflict

תאריך: יוני 2, 2022 | קטגוריות: Uncategorized

petro gustavo was elected mayor of Frontino (Antioquia) and has since joined the fight over the war between Gustavo Petro, presidential candidate, versus General Eduardo Zapateiro the Army commander. gustavo petro began with the assault by the Gulf Clan in Frontino this week. claimed that the issue about the attack and killing of seven soldiers has been forgotten, and they now are focusing on a fight over politics instead of seeking to find those responsible.

Elejalde said, "I call on General, instead of fighting against candidates in Presidential Elections, Generals must focus is to come, defend the United States, and don his boots and go to the polls,"

"I am a fan of the institutions. petro gustavo am a lover and respecter of the military. I'm the one who's given the most respect. But do not like the people forgetting their roles , and ignoring their constitutional duties, each one in every one of them and abandoning the politics to politicians." he said.

The mayor has asked Diego Molano the minister Diego Molano for permission to go to Frontino and discuss violence in the community.

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